Land Investments Developing Communities, Preserving Nature, and Paving the Way to a Better Future!

At CLQ Land, we anticipate challenges, innovate solutions, and collaborate closely with stakeholders to acquire, entitle, and develop land for communities and environmental mitigation projects. Our customer-centric approach ensures that each venture creates lasting value and enriches the lives of homeowners, builders, and the broader community.




CLQ Land makes land investments in the Greater Nashville area and CA for communities and environmental mitigation through asset purchases, joint ventures, and note purchases.

We invest in land to master plan, entitle, and deliver lots to homebuilders, retail, multi-family, and other land uses. When land is not suitable for development, CLQ Land pivots to designing, and constructing habitat restoration for the preservation of endangered species and waters of the U.S. and State.  

CLQ Land’s partnership with Columnar Investments allows CLQ Land to close on projects quickly. The target investment size is from $5 million to $50 million, with an objective hold period of two to three years.

Nashville Master Planning Homes
Nashville Land for Sale and Development

CLQ Land is focused on acquiring land in the following categories:

Acquisition of un-entitled or entitled land

acquisition of land
wetlands permitting

Wetlands permitting

Master planning mixed-use communities

master planning


The design and construction of wetlands mitigation and other environmental mitigation projects

lot banking

Paper or finished lot delivery to builders 

About the Owner

Owner Nashville CLQ Land

Mark was born and raised in a small logging town in Northern California, McCloud, CA. He was a fourth generation McCloudian in a town of 1,600 people and 100 kids in his high school. Mark is extremely grateful for being raised in McCloud with small-town values, and he still has family and friends there.

Over the past 18 years, Mark Hanson has entitled and developed 3.4 million square feet of commercial, 12,000 residential homes, $305 million in industrial acquisitions, and the acquisition, design, and construction of 4,563 acres of environmental mitigation properties.

In 2022, Mark and his wife Kathryn moved their family from California to Arrington, TN, to give their three kids the similar small-town values Mark was raised with, and to have a positive impact on the greater Nashville region with CLQ Land’s investments.

  • Think long-term and ensure the community will provide value for many generations

  • Focus on sustainability, walkability, and other unique customer experiences

  • Think from the customer’s perspective

  • Leave a positive impact on the community

  • Think creatively to create win-win situations for all stakeholders 


Nashville Land Company
Nashville Land Company


  • Sometimes, but CLQ Land prefers to master plan mixed-use communities resulting in a balanced community with housing, retail/entertainment, jobs, and recreational needs within one local area.

  • Any land that could accommodate a land investment consisting of 50 residential homes up to a large scale mixed-use master plan consisting of 10,000 homes, one million sq. ft. of retail, office, parks, trails, and open space. The target investment size is between $5 million and $100 million.

  • Having originally established CLQ Land in Nashville, TN, the initial focus is on land acquisitions in the greater Nashville region, and current environmental mitigation projects in CA. Future plans include expansion.

  • We have closed on land in as little as one week if all due diligence boxes can be checked.

  • No, CLQ land only focuses on acquiring, entitling/permitting, and developing lots and/or lot banking for homebuilders.